What is the Dickerson-Johnson Library’s phone number?
(662) 621-4055
What is needed to check out books and other library materials?
A current Coahoma Community College ID or Dancing Rabbit Card
How do I get a Student ID?
Students may bring a copy of their class schedule to the library to receive a student
ID. If a student loses his/her ID, the student must go to the Business Office and
pay a $10 replacement fee. The student will bring his/her receipt to the Library
and receive a replacement.
Is there a late fee for overdue books and other library material?
The fee is 20¢ per day per item for most items. For more information see Circulation Policy.
How many books can I check out?
Three (3) items maximum may be checked out; some restrictions apply see Circulation Policy.
My instructor said there are sample tests/material I can check out at the library.
Where do I go?
Instructor’s materials are on reserve at the Reference Desk. Instructor’s name, course
number, and the name of material on reserve are necessary in order to locate the item(s)
you wish to use. A student ID is required to check out reserve material. Most reserve
material is used in the library and cannot be removed from the library.
Does the Dickerson-Johnson Library have all the course textbooks being used by instructors?
No, the library does not purchase textbooks unless a request is made by a faculty
Does the library have photocopiers?
Yes, there is a copier available to all patrons. Copies are 10¢ using cash.
Does the library have a color photocopier?
Does the library have a fax machine I can use?
How do I connect to the Dickerson-Johnson Library’s web page?
dc5g.jyycl.com or dc5g.jyycl.com/library will get you to the Dickerson-Johnson Library’s web page. From here you can search
eLibrary, the Library’s online catalog. The “Online Resources” will provide you with
the list of online databases the library offers. When connecting to the “Online Resources”
from off campus, you will need to enter the remote access username and password for
some databases. The remote access username and passwords are available at the Circulation
Desk, Reference Desk and during registration and orientation.
Is there a computer lab in the library?
Yes, there are computer labs on the second and third floors of the library.
The computers have Microsoft Windows with Microsoft Office. This includes: Microsoft
Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Microsoft Works, and Internet Explorer.